Cali86: Assembly Language Illustrator

Cali86: Computer Assembly Language illustrator x86 architecture


Helps teach Assembly Language to College or Highschool students.

In Stock

SKU: cali86iso
Posted in , .

This is our thesis project. I’m saving it here in case anyone
would like to learn more about Assembly language with the aid of
a tool that visualizes Assembly language code by drawing
illustrations of what happens to data on hardware designed
with the x86 architecture.

The file is an ISO that needs to be either burned to a disk or mounted
on the system.

This runs on Windows XP or on an emulator for window XP
because it is design on old library files…
Good Idea to save backups of the .dll files before installing this…

For Windows 7 and 8 Users, please don’t install the dll files anymore.
Use compatibility settings for XP.
Also, please hide your menu bar or put it on the sides so you can see
the bottom status bar of Cali86.

700MB free space (backup copy. Includes documentation and source code)
25MB (install)


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