
Windows Tool: Single line retyping tool

₱200.00 ₱100.00

Simple Retyping tool. 30 lines of text to retype at will.
Password to unrar: revcorp

In Stock

SKU: retyper01
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Do you type the same thing over and over again?
Do you do that in Windows machines?
If only someone can retype them for you….

Why not save the words as shortcuts and press a hotkey to type them all in?!

Saves you time and effort! 🙂

Do you want to more features for this tool? Let me know! and I’ll add them.

How to use?
1. Run the file.
2. Type the texts you will be using a lot of.
3. Click save to update shortcuts
4. Press any of the following combinations to retype the lines on any application:
CTRL + [number keys] ALT + [number keys] CTRL + ALT + [number keys]

The tool will automatically type these in for you. If you would like it to work in the command prompt, please remember that you should give the tool Administrator permissions.

Please note this tool doesn’t work with the following special symbols:
! ^ # + { }
You have to type these symbols and a few special keys differently…

Here are conventions for special characters/keys:
{F1} – {F24} Function keys. For example: {F12} is the F12 key.
{!} !
{#} #
{+} +
{^} ^
{{} {
{}} }
{Enter} ENTER key on the main keyboard
{Escape} or {Esc} ESCAPE
{Space} SPACE (this is only needed for spaces that appear either at the beginning or the end of the string to be sent — ones in the middle can be literal spaces)
{Tab} TAB
{Backspace} or {BS} Backspace
{Delete} or {Del} Delete
{Insert} or {Ins} Insert
{Up} Up-arrow key on main keyboard
{Down} Down-arrow down key on main keyboard
{Left} Left-arrow key on main keyboard
{Right} Right-arrow key on main keyboard
{Home} Home key on main keyboard
{End} End key on main keyboard
{PgUp} Page-up key on main keyboard
{PgDn} Page-down key on main keyboard
{Control} or {Ctrl} CONTROL (technical info: sends the neutral virtual key but the left scan code)
{LControl} or {LCtrl} Left CONTROL key (technical info: sends the left virtual key rather than the neutral one)
{RControl} or {RCtrl} Right CONTROL key
{Control Down} or {Ctrl Down} Holds the CONTROL key down until {Ctrl Up} is sent. To hold down the left or right key instead, use {RCtrl Down} and {RCtrl Up}.

{Alt} ALT (technical info: sends the neutral virtual key but the left scan code)
{LAlt} Left ALT key (technical info: sends the left virtual key rather than the neutral one)
{RAlt} Right ALT key (or AltGr, depending on keyboard layout)
{Alt Down} Holds the ALT key down until {Alt Up} is sent. To hold down the left or right key instead, use {RAlt Down} and {RAlt Up}.

{Shift} SHIFT (technical info: sends the neutral virtual key but the left scan code)
{LShift} Left SHIFT key (technical info: sends the left virtual key rather than the neutral one)
{RShift} Right SHIFT key
{Shift Down} Holds the SHIFT key down until {Shift Up} is sent. To hold down the left or right key instead, use {RShift Down} and {RShift Up}.

{LWin} Left Windows key
{RWin} Right Windows key
{LWin Down} Holds the left Windows key down until {LWin Up} is sent
{RWin Down} Holds the right Windows key down until {RWin Up} is sent

{AppsKey} Windows App key (invokes the right-click or context menu)
{Sleep} Computer SLEEP key.

{ASC nnnnn}
Sends an ALT+nnnnn keypad combination, which can be used to generate special characters that don’t exist on the keyboard. To generate ASCII characters, specify a number between 1 and 255. To generate ANSI characters (standard in most languages), specify a number between 128 and 255, but precede it with a leading zero, e.g. {Asc 0133}.
Unicode characters may be generated by specifying a number between 256 and 65535 (without a leading zero). However, this is not supported by all applications. For alternatives, see the section below.

[v1.0.90+]: Sends a Unicode character where nnnn is the hexadecimal value of the character excluding the 0x prefix. This typically isn’t needed in Unicode versions of AutoHotkey, where Send and ControlSend automatically support Unicode text.

{Numpad0} – {Numpad9} Numpad digit keys (as seen when Numlock is ON). For example: {Numpad5} is the digit 5.
{NumpadDot} Numpad Period (as seen when Numlock is ON).
{NumpadEnter} Enter key on keypad
{NumpadMult} Numpad Multiply
{NumpadDiv} Numpad Divide
{NumpadAdd} Numpad Add
{NumpadSub} Numpad Subtract

{NumpadDel} Delete key on keypad (this key and the following Numpad keys are used when Numlock is OFF)
{NumpadIns} Insert key on keypad
{NumpadClear} Clear key on keypad (usually the ‘5’ key when Numlock is OFF).
{NumpadUp} Up-arrow key on keypad
{NumpadDown} Down-arrow key on keypad
{NumpadLeft} Left-arrow key on keypad
{NumpadRight} Right-arrow key on keypad
{NumpadHome} Home key on keypad
{NumpadEnd} End key on keypad
{NumpadPgUp} Page-up key on keypad
{NumpadPgDn} Page-down key on keypad

{Browser_Back} Select the browser “back” button
{Browser_Forward} Select the browser “forward” button
{Browser_Refresh} Select the browser “refresh” button
{Browser_Stop} Select the browser “stop” button
{Browser_Search} Select the browser “search” button
{Browser_Favorites} Select the browser “favorites” button
{Browser_Home} Launch the browser and go to the home page
{Volume_Mute} Mute/unmute the master volume. Usually equivalent to SoundSet, +1, , mute.
{Volume_Down} Reduce the master volume. Usually equivalent to SoundSet -5.
{Volume_Up} Increase the master volume. Usually equivalent to SoundSet +5.
{Media_Next} Select next track in media player
{Media_Prev} Select previous track in media player
{Media_Stop} Stop media player
{Media_Play_Pause} Play/pause media player
{Launch_Mail} Launch the email application
{Launch_Media} Launch media player
{Launch_App1} Launch user app1
{Launch_App2} Launch user app2

{PrintScreen} Print Screen
{CtrlBreak} Ctrl+break
{Pause} Pause


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